Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thank you kind stranger

For the first time in my whole life I won something. It was only because a nice boy gave me his raffle ticket at the e-business competition. I got a 1gig jump drive, not an iphone, but still pretty good.

This last week was busy, but a lot less busy than I have been in the past. I could have gotten more done to get ahead, but I didn't and I will probably regret it later. This week I am so excited for! I love Thanksgiving and I love California, and I get both! It will be fun to hang out with the fam and to go apartment hunting. It will be our first real apartment and I'm really excited. I think I'll start feeling like an adult once Rick starts working full time and we have our own apartment, it will feel weird, but awesome.

Everyone out there should be thinking of what they want for Christmas. And I know I'm a hypocrite because I can't think of anything. I'm working on it though.

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