Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thank heavens it was just a dream!

So I had a dream last night that was really bothersome to me. Well, a big group of us was at this crazy inside pyramid thing, and it was like a maze but you had to go up to the top of it. At the top, I dropped my glasses all the way down, and they went down a storm drain that was near the bottom of the pyramid. I was so sad, I guess I really loved those glasses. Julie and I reached in and tried to grab them, but instead we found a bunch of other odd glasses, like glasses that measure people's heights and rectangular sunglasses. Well, later that day we were in a doorway, I think waiting in line to go do something else, and Rick walks up to me and he gives me a new pair of glasses. I was so happy I kissed him, and lo and behold, that causes outrage amongst everyone else I'm with. Then, like in a movie, I see the background before this moment. It turns out Rick and I dated, but I had some doubts, so I just up and married someone else. It turns out that my marriage was miserable and horrible (by the way, I was married to Zack Ruben). I was so sad, because we had gotten married in the temple, so I knew I had ruined the rest of my life and eternity, because I would be stuck in this miserable marriage forever. Well, I guess for the past two years of our marriage I had been having an affair with Rick, which made me even more sad because he was so great and I knew I really loved him. But we could never be together because I knew that I could never get divorced. So, in kissing Rick, everyone found out about my affair and I was even more miserable.

So when I woke up this morning, I felt awful. I woke up with a feeling a dread because I had sabotaged my own future. Only after a shower did I remember I really was married to Rick. That made me so happy! So, I'm glad it was only a dream, because an eternity of misery was not really fun to look forward to.


Holly F. said...

Zack Ruben! Oh my gosh!

Zotz said...

I second the Zach Ruben comment Holly. Shelley, I am super glad you love Rick and that he is your eternal sweetheart.

Julie said...

Sorry I couldn't help you find your right glasses. Then you wouldn't have been in that mess in the first place!

Anonymous said...

iegh--what an agonizing dream/wakeup! I can't stand dreams like that.

Julie said...

PS: you've been tagged!!! look at my blog for directions, or else!