Thursday, November 13, 2008

Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookie

Well, I was going to try to write this post yesterday, but blogger wouldn't let me sign in, which is weird.

I went and got a glucose screening done yesterday. There are 5 labs in Pasadena and luckily for me one is just about half a mile away up my street. The weather is so nice here and it is such a pretty place that I really don't mind walking most places. And I calculated it took me only about 10 minutes ( at a relaxed pace) to get to Colorado St. from my house, so if anyone wants to see the Rose parade, we're pretty darn close. Anyhoo, for some reason I totally did not have in my mind that the glucose test would be a blood test, so I was a little taken aback when they took me in to do the fasting draw before I drank the sugary stuff. I told the nurse I am a fainter, but she wasn't too worried. I don't know why, I just faint. I don't look while they're doing it, I make sure to breathe evenly, I relax my limbs (as best as I can) but I usually still faint, which was the case yesterday. I have never had a blood test by myself before, there is usually someone there like my mom or Rick, so I was trying to be brave. I started drinking the sugary soda stuff they give you, but I had to put it down a little later and just put my head down. A few seconds later (I think) I woke up hot, sweaty and yucky. The nurse was like "wow, you're really pale. You weren't kidding when you said you're a fainter". Luckily I felt well enough to finish drinking the stuff and walk myself out to the waiting room to wait the hour till the post sugar test.

I was still feeling hot, but a little better. I read some of my book, Emma, and then a magazine for a little while. When my hour was up another nurse was going to do the test. I sat down in the chair, closed my eyes and leaned my head back. She laughed and commented that I must really not like needles, and I told her that I'm a fainter and was just taking precautions. She was nice and let us go into another room where they had a bed so I could lay down to do the draw. I felt hot afterwards, and she told me "Your lips are really pale, you don't look so good" She got me a cold compress for my forehead and a glass of water, which really helped. This nurse was weird though, and was pretty entertained by the fact that I nearly fainted. She laughed a couple of times and asked "so what are you going to do during labor, pass out?" How am I supposed to know? Luckily since I didn't faint again I was able to walk myself out of there fairly well. Only half a block away was a deli, so I stopped in for a snack just so I could eat something on the rest of the way home. I ended up getting half a sandwich and a chocolate chip cookie. The sandwich was alright, but the cookie was Amazing! It was really chocolaty and kinda gooey, it was a perfect way to end a doctors appointment.

I'm glad, actually, that I didn't realize it would be blood tests, or else Rick would have banned me from going by myself or from walking. He knows I don't really like needles, and he would have felt so guilty for abandoning me in my time of need. When I told him after the fact I tried to emphasize how good the cookie was and how it made it all worth it, but he still felt bad. He is a sweetheart and too good to me. That was my biggest adventure yesterday, other than that I just took a nap (I crashed after the sugar high of a cookie and sugary drink) did some dishes, and made dinner.


Cindy said...

Wow Shelley, I'm sorry it was so unpleasant. Glad that you did get a cookie as a reward. I'm also glad that you made it home safely.

Zotz said...

I'm super glad I can go with you to your next visit...not only to hold your hand, but to get the treat afterwards! :-)

Anonymous said...

ikes!!! Glad you were ok & smart enough to take precautions! Cookie sounds yummy :) Love!!

Zotz said...

I forgot to say this before, but even though you've suffered a trauma, Julie is still my favorite daughter, and I would take a pony away from you just to give to her.