Thursday, December 11, 2008

Having no topic is a bad topic

So this week I had another doctors appointment, it seems like I've been to a million lately. She checked the baby's heartbeat, gave me tips on how to not have swollen ankles and feet, and just did the normal stuff. All is well with me and the baby, and I'm not in labor yet so I'll see my doc again next week. I also picked up some info on pediatricians, so we'll pick one and have that big step taken. Tuesday we took a labor class at the hospital and it was a good learning experience. We talked about the stages and phases of a normal labor and the symptoms/emotions that come along with each one, and we watched a video where we saw a baby being born. I assumed we were all adults in the class, but about half the people giggled when we were watching the baby actually come out. Rick and I didn't learn a ton of new info, but it was a good class anyway, and the only one available before my due date.

Monday night the bishop called and asked Rick and I to speak this Sunday. It would have been nice to have a little more time to get ready, but the bishop likes to use the second Sunday of the month to have a new family in the ward speak and introduce themselves. However, he didn't give us a topic, and thus far that has been the hardest part of preparing our talks. I think I have finally nailed down speaking about joy, particularly joy in the Christmas season and Christ, but it has kind of also spread out to be joy in just all the things that go on in our family in December, including the baby, Christmas, Rick's birthday, our anniversary and everything that goes along with all of those things. I'm afraid I'm gonna end up telling way too many stories about us and not using enough scripture/doctrine. And I'm either gonna talk very fast and finish early leaving Rick too much time, or just gabbing forever and boring the congregation. Rick just barely thought of a topic, Family, and is having a hard time thinking of what exactly about family he wants to talk about. This is my first talk since being a youth speaker in Redlands and his first talk since his first couple months at BYU. I know I'm gonna end up getting teary because when I'm nervous I get teary and I'm pregnant. I almost hope I go into labor Sunday morning just to miss having to speak.


Holly F. said...

I can't believe that the bishop would ask you so close to your due date! Yeah, have the baby, just to teach him a lesson! :)

Alexa said...

Tim was scheduled to speak two weeks before my due date, and I went into labor very early that Sun morning, so you never know, it could happen to you, too! There is a lot to celebrate for you this time of year, isn't there? It sounds like you're pretty much all ready for the birth, just know we'll be thinking of you as time gets close.

Julie said...

How about you just stand up and say, "I Declare Pregnancy!" and sit down.

Anonymous said...

Hey how'd the talk go?!! lol, I guess I would've heard had you really gone into labor :P Love ya! Good luck as you get closer!